Joining the Oregon Computer Science Teachers Association means you become part of a group of individuals who are passionate about the teaching and learning of computer science and believe that together we can. We believe that providing every student with access to computer science content is a critical part of helping them thrive in the modern world and take advantage of opportunities in the high-tech workplace.

As a member of CSTA Oregon, you will be a part of a statewide network of teachers that works together to share curriculum, pedagogy and other knowledge to help its members turn their passion into student success. Members of CSTA Oregon are eligible to vote in elections and other organization matters and to run for leadership positions.

As a chapter of the national CSTA, you can join CSTA Oregon by:

  1. First, Join CSTA – you can join as a basic member for free. If you pay to join as a CSTA+ member, part of your membership dues goes to support grants CSTA Oregon can apply for.
  2. Then, go to your member dashboard at, click Join a chapter in QUICK LINKS, search for ‘Oregon’ under Chapter Name and click the JOIN CHAPTER button
  3. You will then see your Computer Science Teachers Association and CSTA Oregon memberships listed in MY CHAPTER(S)